Expired Domain Names
656 TLDs supported and rising!Thousands of domain names expire every day. The reasons are different. Some owners forgot to renew the domains, some just don't want them anymore or they moved on to other projects. For most people these so called Expired Domains don't have any value. They just see a bunch of Domain Names someone else deleted and move on, but for the people who know about SEO or the value of good Backlinks, Expired Domain Names are money just waiting to get picked up from the street. The only problem is to separate the good ones from the bad ones. That is where ExpiredDomains.net comes into play.
ExpiredDomains.net gathers all the information you need to find good Expired Domains that are Pending Delete and you can Backorder. Depending on the domain extension you can search through thousands of domains every day before they get released to the public and pick what you like. ExpiredDomains.net currently supports 656 TLDs. From the classic gTLDs like .com, .net, .org to Droplists for ccTLDs you can only find here and now we even support some of the best new gTLDs like .xyz and .club.
We do not only have Expired Domains, but you can also find lists of
Deleted Domains for a lot of TLDs.
Deleted Domains or Dropped Domains are available for registration and can be picked up
for just the normal regfee at your preferred domain registrar!
All Domains have the typical SEO relevant data, like Number of Backlinks, Archive.org Birth Date
and a lot more.
Just look through the thousands of Expired Domain Names dropping every day and pick what you like. :)
You can use our numerous Filters and sort the lists as you like or use our Watchlist to keep track
of Expired Domains after they dropped.
You can go through the lists you are interested in and look for Domains you like or you can use our super fast Domain Name Search to search all Domain Lists at once. Whatever you choose to do, you can use numerous filters to drill down the number of domains, so you find exactly what you are looking for!
Supported Expired Domain TLDs
- Bold TLDs have a Deleted Domain List. You can find available Domains after they dropped.
- Green TLDs currently have Pending Delete Domains you can Backorder.
- White TLDs currently don't have any Pending Delete Domains.
Original gTLDs
ccTLDs - Country Code TLDs
New gTLDs
Also we currently support 469 new gTLDs. You can find a complete list on the Supported TLDs page.ExpiredDomains.net Statistics
You can currently find the following domains in the database. The lists are updated regularly and new domains are added to the database.
- 650,175,976 Domains are currently in the database
- 525,444,196 Deleted Domains, 4,506,795 Expired Domains and 34,770,118 Marketplace Domains
- 1,133,574 Domains were added in the last 24 hours
- 11,821,072 Domains with Majestic CitationFlow >= 10
- 7,703,669 Domains with Majectis TrustFlow >= 5
- 2,639,782 Domains linked from Wikipedia.org
- 298,510,903 Domains have records in the Wayback Machine (Archive.org)
- 142,544,007 Domains have a Wayback Machine Record 10 Years or older
- 72,094,933 Domains with Backlinks
- 30,206,767 Domains with SeoKicks DomainPop
- 101,143,059 Domains with Searchvolume Stats
- 251,010,872 Domains that are in the English Dictionary
- 1,892,119 Domains that are in the Majestic Million
- 1,187,248 Domains with Yandex SQI
- 51,872 GoDaddy Expired Domains will end today
- 317,437 GoDaddy TDNAM Auctions will end today
- 576 GoDaddy Most Active Auctions will end today
Research Lists
added Deleted Domain Lists for 166 ngTLDs
.hamburg, .boo, .dad, .esq, .foo, .meme, .mov, .phd, .prof, .rsvp, .capetown, .durban, .joburg, .corsica,
.mma, .kyoto, .nagoya, .okinawa, .ryukyu, .yokohama, .cymru, .vlaanderen, .accountant, .accountants,
.actor, .adult, .apartments, .archi, .associates, .attorney, .audio, .auto, .bargains, .bingo, .black,
.boston, .broker, .build, .builders, .cab, .camera, .camp, .cards, .careers, .catering, .ceo, .cheap,
.claims, .cleaning, .computer, .condos, .contractors, .cooking, .coupons, .courses, .credit, .cruises,
.dating, .degree, .dentist, .diamonds, .diet, .discount, .download, .exposed, .fail, .faith, .film,
.fish, .fishing, .flights, .florist, .football, .forex, .forsale, .furniture, .futbol, .game, .garden,
.gift, .gifts, .gives, .glass, .graphics, .gratis, .haus, .hockey, .holiday, .horse, .hospital, .hosting,
.inc, .irish, .ist, .jewelry, .kaufen, .lease, .lgbt, .lighting, .limited, .limo, .luxe, .luxury, .maison,
.markets, .mba, .menu, .moda, .mortgage, .movie, .organic, .plumbing, .poker, .porn, .promo, .racing,
.recipes, .rehab, .reisen, .repair, .rodeo, .saarland, .salon, .sarl, .schule, .sex, .shoes, .singles,
.ski, .soccer, .study, .sucks, .supplies, .supply, .surf, .surgery, .taipei, .taxi, .tennis, .theater,
.tienda, .town, .toys, .trading, .tube, .vacations, .villas, .vodka, .vote, .voyage, .webcam, .giving,
.how, .shiksha, .soy, .tattoo, .tires, .viajes, .voto, .quebec, .madrid, .music, .koeln, .wien, .tirol,
added Deleted Domain Lists for 24 ccTLDs
.ge, .my, .tz, .lb, .bm, .mm, .mz, .pk, .bh, .vg, .ls, .ph, .zm, .ad, .ws, .cm, .bf, .cd, .gh, .kw, .mw, .sl, .na, .kn
added Deleted Domain Lists for 33 ngTLDs
.bond, .click, .one, .lat, .africa, .amsterdam, .brussels, .realtor, .paris, .love, .eco, .kiwi, .wales,
.xin, .sexy, .forum, .realestate, .feedback, .bot, .bar, .rest, .zip, .ing, .wang, .gay, .eus, .gal,
.scot, .barcelona, .swiss, .bayern, .nrw, .photo
added Deleted Domain Lists for 219 ngTLDs
.art, .agency, .blog, .buzz, .cfd, .cyou, .design, .digital, .fun, .group, .icu, .lol, .ltd, .sbs,
.studio, .today, .vip, .work, .world, .email, .academy, .autos, .baby, .beauty, .best, .bet, .bid,
.bio, .business, .cafe, .cam, .capital, .care, .casino, .center, .chat, .church, .city, .coach,
.coffee, .college, .community, .company, .consulting, .cool, .earth, .education, .energy, .events,
.expert, .family, .farm, .finance, .fit, .foundation, .fund, .fyi, .games, .global, .gmbh, .guru,
.hair, .health, .help, .homes, .host, .house, .ink, .international, .land, .law, .llc, .london,
.makeup, .market, .marketing, .media, .mom, .monster, .network, .ninja, .ooo, .party, .photography,
.photos, .pics, .plus, .pub, .quest, .rent, .rip, .rocks, .run, .school, .services, .support, .systems,
.team, .technology, .tips, .tools, .trade, .training, .uno, .ventures, .video, .wiki, .win, .works,
.wtf, .zone, .charity, .yachts, .software, .social, .skin, .pink, .pictures, .pet, .motorcycles,
.legal, .christmas, .boats, .watch, .wine, .yoga, .wedding, .vegas, .vet, .vision, .tours, .tax,
.style, .stream, .solar, .show, .science, .sale, .red, .rentals, .report, .reviews, .properties,
.partners, .pizza, .press, .productions, .onl, .moe, .money, .management, .men, .miami, .loans,
.loan, .jetzt, .immo, .institute, .gallery, .gold, .golf, .guide, .fashion, .fitness, .frl, .estate,
.exchange, .direct, .directory, .dog, .day, .casa, .cash, .clinic, .clothing, .codes, .contact,
.boutique, .band, .beer, .bike, .blue, .auction, .construction, .dance, .date, .deals, .delivery,
.dental, .doctor, .domains, .engineer, .engineering, .enterprises, .equipment, .express, .fans, .fan,
.financial, .green, .healthcare, .holdings, .investments, .insure, .immobilien, .industries, .kim,
.kitchen, .lawyer, .melbourne, .parts, .place, .restaurant, .review, .shopping, .srl, .sydney,
.university, .vin
added Dynadot Closeout Domains
added Dynadot Appraisal/Valuation to the Dynadot Expired Auctions list
Removed GoDaddy Buy Now, Make Offer and Featured list
GoDaddy doesn't allow users to list domains directly with GoDaddy anymore. You have to list them on afternic now.
Unfortunately I do not have access to afternic listed domains.
Added Spaceship.com
You can now select Spaceship.com as your preferred registrar in your settings.
New Filter: Last Changed
The new filter only works for the GoDaddy with Bids list and the Namecheap Auctions list.
It lets you filter domains that received a bid in the last x minutes.
Multi Factor Authentication
I've recently added an Email MFA system (Multi Factor Authentication).
When activated, you will need to enter a one time use code, sent to your account email to log in.
I know these MFA systems can get annoying, so you can use the "Remember me" cookie to allow your browser to skip the MFA.
MFA will be enabled for all accounts eventually,
so make sure your email is correct or you will not be able to access your account anymore.
If you want, you can already enable MFA yourself.
Recent Blog Posts
- TLD Reg Count
- Bulk Domain Search
- GEO Domains
- Dot Search with Multiple Keywords
- All-in-one Deleted Domain List
- Search through all Domains in the Database in one go
- Number of Related Domains for every Domain Name
- Expired Domains with Wikipedia Links
- New Domain List and Improved GoDaddy Implementation
- Central Listing for all your Watchlist Domains