- Domain Lists: select the domain list you are interested in
- Filter: show the filter area and select what domains you want to see
- Domain Listing: sorting and validation of values
- Watchlist: add domains to your watchlist
- Dislike: mark domains in your listing as disliked
- Customization: additional columns and customized behavior
- Domain Name Search: the search box in the top right corner
- Saved Searches: save your searches to reuse them
Domain Lists: select the domain list you are interested in
The domain lists are split into three groups Deleted Domains, Marketplace Domains and Research Lists. By clicking on the corresponding tab, you switch between the three groups and see all domain lists associated with that group.

Filter: show the filter area and select what domains you want to see
Click on the "show filter" link to open up the filter area.

The filters are spread out over multiple tabs. You can combine as many filters as you want from across all tabs.
When you are satisfied with your choice, click on the "Apply Filter" button to update the domain listing accordingly.
Note: The TLD filters are under the additional tab!

You can just click on another list in the navigation, to use the same filters on a different domain list. The system will remember your selected filters and apply them to the other lists.
Domain Listing: sorting and validation of values
To sort the listing, click on the corresponding column name. To reverse the sorting, click on the column again. To find out what a column stands for, hover over the column name with your mouse and a small explanation will appear.

It is important to validate the domain data before making a decision to buy or register a domain. Some values change fast and what you see in the domain listing might not be the actual value anymore. That is why checking values is so important. Most data points in the domain listings have links to places where you can check them.

Watchlist: add domains to your watchlist
Add domains to your watchlist by clicking on the star-icon in the domain listing. Click again to remove the domain. The watchlist combines your selected domains into a separate domain list you can use to keep track of domains you are interested in.

You can add a max of 20000 domains to your watchlist.
You can't add more domains to your watchlist after you reached your limit.
Under your watchlist you can find links that help you to bulk remove domains from your watchlist.
Note: You can disable the watchlist in your settings, if you do not want to use it!
Dislike: mark domains in your listing as disliked
The dislike feature lets you mark domains you do not like. Domains you marked as disliked will be highlighted visually, however they are not removed from your listings. You will still see them when ever they come up, just marked as disliked.

There is no limit on how many domains you can mark as disliked.
Note: If you do not want to use the dislike system, you can disable it in your settings.
Customization: additional columns and customized behavior
The default column list you see after you signed up does not contain all possible columns. You can open up the Column Manager to add or remove columns to your domain listings.

There are a couple of Settings you can change to further customize the Domain Listings to your liking.
Domain Name Search: the search box in the top right corner
The domains are split into domain lists. You can search for specific keywords inside the domain name in every list, but if you are looking for keywords domains the domain name search is the place to go. It searches all of the domain lists at once and combines the results into one listing.

Saved Searches: save your searches to reuse them
You can save your searches to repeat them whenever you want. Set up your filters, sorting and click on apply filter. Now click on the disk-icon to save your search.

You can find your saved searches in the navigation.

On the manage saved searches page, you can rename, change or delete your searches. Click on the saved search name to change it (edit in place). The "Only new Domains" button shows you only domains that were added after you last used your search.